Waiting list applications can be made in person or over the phone, Monday to Thursday, between 10am and 2pm. Children are enrolled from a waiting list, however completion of a waiting list application does not automatically guarantee a position at the Pre-School.
Positions are offered according to priority of access and funding eligibility conditions set down by the NSW Department of Education, Pre-School policy and individual needs and circumstances.
Priority of Access is:
- children who are at least 4 years old on or before the 31 July in that Pre-School year and not enrolled or registered at a school
- children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in that Pre-School year and are:
- from low income families
- children with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background
- children with disability or additional needs.
- children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in that Pre-School year with English language needs
There is no order of priority assigned to the list of points above.
The guidelines are intended to assist services with making enrolment decisions, in a way that seeks to allocate places to those in the greatest need. However, the particular community needs of the Pre-School and the Pre-School policies will also be relevant.
Places will be offered for the following year in September and an orientation time will be advised at enrolment.
No fees charged for public & school holidays.
We are funded through the NSW Department of Education.
Fees are kept to a minimum and are set by the management committee considering funding requirements, viability of the organisation and the delivery of a quality service.
Family Involvement
We have an open door policy for families.
All families are valued and respected. We support families in their parenting role and work in partnership with them where children can thrive and learn.
We continually provide information to parents of their child’s progress and development and encourage feedback and input to extend learning.
We encourage family involvement through the joining of the management committee, participating in the program, giving us feedback.
Families are kept updated on current Pre-School events and activities through the private Facebook group.